Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

Bug Cash Shop

Hallo Digimon Masters or all player of DMO! I wanna share about bug cash that I get from my friend. This bug called "Bug Cash Shop". With this bug, player can buy item in the event long time ago.

1. We need to download patch of DMO manually. Example download patch 131 at this link:

2. Open the patch and extract the file.

3. Copy the Pack03.hf and from folder "Data" in the patch that extracted to folder "DMO\Data" in your computer.

4. Now you can get silphy jogress event in your DMO although that event has been over.

#Note. Just new player can do this bug. Why? Because new player doesn't have a new title like "3rd Anniversary" or another. And you need to go to lonely place, because if you meet another player that use a new title, you will force logout.

I hope Digimon Masters can fix this bug as soon as possible. Because this bug make the game not "Fair Play". Thanks for reading.
